Friday, August 31, 2007

Let Me Hold You Again

"Why can't we just rewind", I miss you like mad these days. I can't explain how I feel, I don't even know it is you or the moment that I missed.
"Why can't we just rewind" everything for the last time. Just let me hold you again one more time, then I won't ask for more than that.

You are never left my head all this time and my love is always there for you. A special space for you deep down here. Okay, I am crazy... I know it. It is love that make me crazy and sane in the same time.

Hate me if you like but life is only good with you around. Why can't we just rewind? one more time. Then kick me out from your side or decide to be beside me. I just could not see where we went wrong not even about the culture and age. I am crazy so hate me then. But it won't stop me from missing you.

The same cage above us, watching our first kiss. The same road we tracked to our special restaurant. And I am the same person you used to love.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Perawan Tua

Dulu kata-kata itu sering banget gue dan teman-teman lontarkan ke bekas Bos, hanya karena dia sudah berumur dan belum menikah. Tapi gara-gara itu pula, setiap kali dia marah dan memaki, kami pasti mengaitkannya dengan status "perawan tua" itu. Status itu pula yang sebenarnya membuat kami memaafkan dan memilih memaklumi.

Lima tahun kemudian, kata-kata itu justru ditujukan pada gue. Waks! sempet kaget. Busyet, ketulah apa yak. Pesen singkat di hp gue bertuliskan, "jangan sampai jadi perawan tua ya nit. Buruan menikah."

Monyet, itu lagi itu lagi yang mereka omong ke gue. Kalau gue masih perawan, So What! Kalau gue berumur 29 nyaris 30, So What!. Am I look that pathetic?
Gue mau menikah suatu saat nanti, tapi pilih suami bukan pilih kacang kulit. Suami itu pasangan setara seumur hidup. Ga mungkinlah gue cap cip cup kedebong busuk... meenee mainee moo. Please deh.

Kalau sepi itu datang, biarlah itu jadi milik gue sendiri. Kalau sedih itu datang, biarkan gue atasi sendiri. Nah kalau cinta itu datang, biarlah gue nikmati. Kan hati gue ga ada urusannya sama kalian toh.

Dan jauh sebelum mencapai 29, gue memang sudah jutek. Jadi tak ada hubungannya jutek sama perawan tua kalee. Oh BTW, Thank you for all your concern!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pun Dia Menulis

Dia dan kakaknya menulis tentang Islam dalam perspektif orang Belanda, lahir dari keluarga campuran imigran Alexandria, Mesir dan Belanda tulen. Buat muslim yang tinggal di negara mayoritas non muslim bukan perkara gampang, tapi dia mampu melalui segala godaan itu. Silakan menyimak perspektif kakak beradik soal pertentangan dalam Islam. Intinya kalau orang Islam berpikiran modern menolak segala bentuk debat tentang keislaman, maka para teroris yang tertawa. Mereka yang hanya menjermahkan Islam sebagai agama penuh kekejaman dan in-toleransi.

Dan yang paling menyenangkan ini adalah apa yang dia tulis tentang Islam di Indonesia, ah di Utan Kayu lah paling tidak.

While the discussions about Islam ground to a heated halt, we crossed the world’s oceans in search of adventure and a place to breathe. One of us saw how Muslims united in the Indonesian Liberal Islam Network profess a constructively critical approach to Islam. Instead of literally interpreting the Quran, they appeal to human reason in order to translate Islam to modern times. In the east of Jakarta, they have joined forces with journalists, freethinkers and artists in promoting freedom of expression, freedom of press and freedom of religion.

cari artikel berjudul "
Ave, Muhammad: a plea for reason in the debate about Islam"