Monday, July 14, 2008


Mestinya gue bisa bicara soal toket gue sama temen-temen cewek gue yang selama ini biasa ririungan, hang out bareng. Tapi kali ini ga ada satupun disamping gue untuk sekedar kasih support boro-boro bantuin ganti perban.

Iya gue ini orang paling mandiri. Tapi ganti perban itu bukan perkara mudah, gue ga bisa ngerjain itu sendiri. Pergi ke gawat darurat will cost me 55 rebu cuma buat ganti pembalut dan perban. Irvan sama Dallas pasti senang hati ngebantuin ganti perban, ya kan. But mereka lelaki, bukan muhrim kekekek...

Ada eci yang akhirnya ngebantuin gue ganti perban. Lagi-lagi Eci. Padahal ada banyak temen cewe gue yang biasa ha ha ha hihihihi, pas hang out. Apa kalian sudah lupa aturan tidak tertulis kita "kalau kawan lagi senang, boleh kita tak ada, tapi kalau kawan susah, kita harus hadir disana." oh well, penyakit gue ga bikin mereka concern tuh. Mungkin karena dianggap ga akan membuat gue susah kali yah. Beda kalau urusannya soal cinta, laki-laki atau pekerjaan.

Apa gue pernah ga hadir saat kalian butuh kawan? bikin sedih aja.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it also takes 55 thousand rupiahs (probably more) for your friend to go to your place by taxi and help you with the bandage. Perhaps they were busy. Perhaps you just didn't ask them. How would they know that you need help?

Unknown said...

well, I just hope those are the reason. Otherwise hua hua hua... are they really my friend?

Anonymous said...

Ssshh. Let's not hope for any help. Ask, if you need one. If you stay on the hope stage, your friends might now know that you need help. Simply because they don't know. Well, unless you have paranormal as friends :)

Unknown said...

thanks for leaving a comment and keeping reading my blog. just wondering why you so bother with my friends when you dont even know anything about us. I suggest you to leave your name so I can feel close to you. Ok thank you anyway.

Anonymous said...

You're so right. I don't know your friends. I just put myself into their shoes. How would they feel when they read this post? Friends that you dear, but at the same time, friends that you hate.

Sometimes you explode on certain things, which might hurt others. Do you realize that?

I already feel close just by reading your blog :)